E3 2015

Playstation E3 2015
The Playstation E3 2015 Conference had all the feels! The announcements made had many gamers misty eyed or even breaking into tears (myself included). E3 2015 will definitely be one to remember! And they opened with a bang! Opening up with one of the most anticipated games for the past…oh 6 […]

Playstation E3 2015 Conference had all the feels!

Fallout 4 Boston
Bethesda just dropped the mic at their first E3 showcase! They Revealed DOOM, Dishonored 2, A little more about The Elder Scrolls Online Tamriel Unlimited, Elder Scrolls Legend, Fallout 4, and Fallout Shelter! I have to say this presentation really made me excited about gaming again. There are times when […]

Bethesda just dropped the Mic at E3 Showcase