Slowing trying to learn some C++ and other things.
Oye! luvusagi here. I’m currently lagging at a 90 day challenge. I’ve got some games that I’m working on designing and it’s system overload with also setting up and designing the site atm. As part of my 90 day challenge, for the first 30 days I’m suppose to have a Game Design Document Finished as well as design and began modeling the main character. I think there’s something else I’m suppose to do but yaaaaah I’m just trying to finish this site…so I’m also trying to learn me some C++, HTML, and CSS as well o.O AW LAWD what am I doing to myself?!?!?
So for learning C++, HTML, AND CSS I’m using free apps found in the Google Play store. They’re apps by SoloLearn and they’re actually pretty dang awesome! Each app is set up like you’re taking a “course” and as you go through each lesson it stops occasionally and has you answering questions pertaining to the topic. There’s also a quiz followed and the end of each of the courses to see if you retained what you learned thorough out the course. The courses are explained in straight forward laymen’s terms so that it is all encompassing to any learning level.The topics are in short 2-5 min videos so they also keep your attention and don’t bog you down with too much information at one time. The app also alerts you everyday are so reminding you to keep at it! There’s also a point system as well for each topic you complete. I’m still in the beginning stages of the apps but I definitely feel like I’m learning and retaining the information and they’re not too tedious that you wouldn’t want to replay them just to brush up on a few things. If you want, you can even learn on the apps website if you’re not to keen on using your phone. The layout of the site is great and again it makes it approachable to anyone trying to learn some form of coding.
I’ll probably do an in-depth review later on as I’m still knocking off the first couple of “levels”. I’m also going to get some books and do other things as well to help me learn but the apps are definitely great on the go or as”time-wasters’ when you have nothing else to do. Check them out if you’re interested in learning C++, HTML, or CSS. They have others as well but I’ve yet to try them.
Also what things are you learning or working towards right now and how are you going about it?? Until next time!
Later Dayz,